
Major Overview

Our missionis to prepare you tofullyunderstandtoday’seconomic and financial environment, while enabling you to evaluateand financealternative investment opportunitiesand manage stellarportfolios. Your studies will be focused on the application of economics within financial and non-financial institutions and markets, particularly the optimal allocation of scarce financial assets,includingmoney, loans, bonds, stocks, and currencies. You will also learn how to deal with potential challenges within financeliketime, information, uncertainty, diversification,andhedging and asset management,allwhile concentrating on empirical predictions.


The educational goals for this major are as follows:

  • You will demonstrate critical thinking and the application of core competencies in business decision making.
  • You will demonstrate an understanding of how firms operate in a global environment.
  • You will demonstrate the ability to communicate convincingly based on data and conceptual frameworks, in writing and orally.
  • You will work collaboratively to achieve stated organizational goals.
  • You will understand the economic and financial environment.
  • You will demonstrate competencies in the valuation of the firm, investment opportunities, and financial instruments on an international basis.
  • You will master the fundamentals of portfolio creation.

Learning Environment

Ourcomprehensiveprogram willhelp you master a variety of issues withinthe international economic environmentsof the past and present. Ourseminarsare designed toencourage hands-on activities as well as in-class participation, while introducingyou to crucial business and management concepts, the role of market supply and demand, diverse topics within international financial markets, and the legal environment within which today’s businesses must operate.

Core Courses

The International Finance core courses, which you must take as part of the major requirements, will provide you with the tools you’ll need to ground your present and future studies.

BA1020 Foundations Of Management

The course introduces students to basic economics and management concepts and how the organizational setting influences human behavior. The course will look at management and organization topics from different domains, such as strategy, finance, marketing, operations and business ethics, to get a rich understanding of managing. Rather than presenting managing a business as a simple social technique by which managers enforce organizational standards, we will take a critical approach to understand how theory influences practice and how our perceptions of leadership and management evolve through changing contexts. An essential context is climate change caused by human activities. Anthropogenic climate change is the most significant unmet challenge facing leaders, managers, organizations and those who study them throughout this century. Through readings, in-class activities, assignments, cases and/or simulations, the course will explore how managing and organizational behavior influences the strategies of organizations and businesses. The course builds upon the active participation of students. We expect students to prepare carefully for each course meeting and engage fully in group work.

MA1020 Applied Statistics I

Introduces the tools of statistical analysis. Combines theory with extensive data collection and computer-assisted laboratory work. Develops an attitude of mind accepting uncertainty and variability as part of problem analysis and decision-making. Topics include: exploratory data analysis and data transformation, hypothesis-testing and the analysis of variance, simple and multiple regression with residual and influence analyses.

MA1030 Calculus I

Introduces differential and integral calculus. Develops the concepts of calculus as applied to polynomials, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Topics include: limits, derivatives, techniques of differentiation, applications to extrema and graphing; the definite integral; the fundamental theorem of calculus, applications; logarithmic and exponential functions, growth and decay; partial derivatives. Appropriate for students in the biological, management, computer and social sciences.

BA2001 Financial Accounting

This course introduces students to the financial accounting cycle and financial reporting for corporations. Students learn how to measure and record accounting data and prepare financial statements. At the end of the course, students choose a company and do an analysis of their financial statements, comparing their company against a competitor company, using financial ratios.

EC2010 Principles Of Microeconomics

Focuses on the role played by relative market prices in our society and on the forces of market supply and demand in determining these prices. Since the actions of consumers and firms underlie supply and demand, the course studies in detail the behavior of these two groups.

BA2020 Management & Organizational Behavior

The course introduces students to basic Management/Organizational Behavior concepts and enables them to understand the attitude and behaviors on the individual level and the group level within organizations. Students will be enabled to use Organizational Behavior tools and theories to recognize organizational patterns within a complex social situation. Students will be provided with readings, lectures, and cases that provide a diverse and robust understanding of human interaction in organization.

EC2020 Principles Of Macroeconomics

Examines the determinants of the levels of national income, employment, rates of interest, and prices. Studies in detail the instruments of monetary and fiscal policy, highlighting the domestic and international repercussions of their implementation.

BA3010 Corporate Finance

Examines finance as the practical application of economic theory and accounting data in the procurement and employment of capital funds. Applies the principles of strong fiscal planning and control to asset investment, and debt and equity financing decisions. Emphasizes sound leveraging in view of the time value of money, subject to the pernicious effects of taxation and inflation. BA 2002 recommended for simultaneous registration.

BA3012 Business Ethics And Csr

This course explores the ethical issues that arise from the operation of business in a globalized and inter-connected economy. By applying the tools of theory, ethical analysis and personal reflection to a variety of real-life case studies, students will explore several disciplines of management practice, including marketing, operations, strategy, organizational behaviour, finance and accounting. Topical areas will be explored from multiple perspectives, including human rights, political involvement by business, sweatshop labour, the export of hazardous products, deceptive marketing practices, bribery, whistleblowing, religious/social discrimination, corporate governance, cross-cultural differences, sustainability and environmental issues, corporate social responsibility, and consumer society. The format of the course will be a series of interactive seminars and student participation is required. By the end of the course, students should have developed an organised, personally reflective approach to decision-making that can offer guidance when confronting difficult ethical dilemmas in both business and personal life.

BA3050 International Financial Markets

Following an introduction to the International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Markets, students explore spot and spot-forward arbitrage. They also engage in a FX trading competition using a demo platform. Once students absorb the essentials of financial derivatives (options, futures and swaps), we move to the practical application of these tools. Hedging theories and a basic tool-kit assist students in completing more complex FX and interest rate hedging exercises and case studies. Each semester we explore selected topics, such as Private Equity or the Regulation of the Futures Market, in collaboration with guest speakers.

EC3073 Money, Banking, And Financial Markets

Studies the economic functions and structures of financial asset markets, financial intermediaries, and money. It also presents the role of the central bank in macroeconomic performance of open economies.

BA3075 Legal Environment Of Business

Students will examine the legal process and the legal environment within which business must operate, as well as the interrelationship of government and business. Students develop an understanding of the methods by which legal decisions are formulated as they affect both individual rights and business transactions.

BA3084 International Business Law

Briefly examines the great legal families in the world: Common Law, Civil Law, Socialist Law, and Islamic Law. Within the Civil Law family, emphasizes French Contract Law and then explores the law of the European Union. Studies the legal aspects of international business transactions and uses major international and European projects to examine the principles discussed.

BA4010 Investment Analysis

Introduces the processes and analytical tools necessary for investment decision-making. Provides the basic skills, modes of analysis and institutional background useful to work in the investment area of finance firms or as an individual investor. Students who successfully complete the course are expected to be able to work in the field or to continue their specialization in Security Analysis or Portfolio Management.

BA4020 Computational Finance

This course is an introduction to applied computational methods for finance and the valuation of financial firms and elements of capital structure: equity, bonds, and options and additional methods for optimization of securities portfolios and hedging risk. We emphasize implementation and use selected models. Aimed at providing the necessary technical and analytical skills useful for graduate school work, working in financial firms or investment banks.

BA4050 Business Integration Capstone

Teams of student-managers compete in a complex international business simulation designed to allow them to demonstrate mastery of department-level, major and discipline specific learning objectives. The teams operate a company in the international athletic footwear industry. Using a hands-on experiential approach, teams make strategic management, marketing, human resources, operations, facilities, finance, and corporate social responsibility decisions over ten fiscal years. Students are evaluated on their company’s performance, but also on written individual and group analyses of the simulation and on a final comprehensive exam. Please note this course has a fee.